Embarking on an extraordinary journey, award-winning filmmaker Aviva Kempner (The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg and Yoo-hoo Mrs. Goldberg) delves into the captivating chronicles of her own family for the first time. Kempner’s mother Hanka (Helen) and her uncle Dudek (David) Ciesla enjoyed an idyllic childhood in Sosnowiec, Poland, until the Nazi invasion and their separation. This audience award-winning film tells of their harrowing experiences during the Holocaust, their against-the-odds reunion, and their recommitment to life and to each other in the DP camps — a testament to the unbreakable bonds of family.
The special premiere event (January 18, 2024) will feature director Aviva Kempner in attendance to introduce the film and participate in a Q&A afterward.