Screening of “A POCKETFUL OF MIRACLES: A Tale of Two Siblings”

From Aviva Kempner, the director of Yoo-Hoo Mrs. Goldberg, The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg, Rosenwald, The Spy Behind Home Plate and Imagining the Indian and the producer of Partisans of Vilna. 

Date: October 28, 2024
Time: 7:00 p.m.

Digging up the Family’s Past: a Road to Reconciliation

Annual Bella Mischkinsky lecture by filmmaker Aviva Kempner

Date: October 29, 2024
Time: 12:30  – 2:00 p.m.
Location: Globe Hall, Germantown Campus (map)

About the Speaker

Aviva Kempner – Director and Producer
Aviva Kempner is a Washington, D.C.-based filmmaker, creates successful and critically acclaimed documentaries about under-known Jewish heroes and social justice. In 2019, she premiered her fifth commercially-released film, The Spy Behind Home Plate. Her other films include Rosenwald, a documentary about how Chicago businessman and philanthropist Julius Rosenwald partnered with Booker T. Washington in establishing over 5,000 schools for African Americans in the Jim Crow South; Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg, about Gertrude Berg, who created the first television sitcom; and the Emmy-nominated and Peabody-awarded The Life and Times of Hank Greenberg, about the Hall of Famer who faced anti-Semitism during the ’30s. Both Yoo-Hoo, Mrs. Goldberg and Hank Greenberg grossed over a million dollars at the box office and are highly ranked, along with Rosenwald, on Rotten Tomatoes. She also produced the award-winning documentary Partisans of Vilna, about Jews fighting the Nazis. Her most recent film, Imagining the Indian: The Fight Against Native American Mascoting, will be available on Apple iTunes and Amazon Prime on February 6, 2024. She is presently completing a documentary on screenwriter and political activist Ben Hecht in 2024. Kempner is also making Pissed Off, a documentary short exploring the struggles faced by female lawmakers in Congress who advocated for potty parity in the United States Capitol.